Clube de Adictos a Deep Purple

Clube de Adictos a Deep Purple
Clube de Adictos a Deep Purple

Púrpura Chess

This blog is basically a musical site. Here we talk about the music we like, using different angles. As dear and missed Jon Lord once said: “Music is the highest kind of Art that exists”. I think the same way too.

Púrpura Chess

Púrpura Chess

Wasted Youth.

When the world doesn't work to you, it's good to know that you can get into the amazing Jim Steinman's papallel universe... because will be there always for you.

Goddamn it, daddy

You know I love you,

but you've got a hell of a lot to learn

about Rock'n'Roll.

Jim Steinman. 1.11.47 - 19.4.21.

Rest In Peace,



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